Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

Awareness of Safeguarding - FAA Level 1 Award - 1/2 day
This qualification is suitable for all persons and will provide an understanding of safeguarding which can be used in a workplace, activity group or any instance where a person comes into contact with children or adults at risk. The qualification provides learners with the knowledge to identify a safeguarding concern, record a disclosure and report to the appropriate person.

Safeguarding Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults - FAA Level 3 Award - 1 day
This course is designed for all persons, no matter the field that they are directly involved in, to give them the tools and knowledge to make a difference to a vulnerable person’s life. It will also let the practitioner reporting the abuse know how they can safeguard themselves in every day work, while seeking help and reporting the incident identified.

Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty
(MCA & DoLS)
Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA & DoLS) - Clear Choice Training bespoke package.
This training package has been designed with the care industry in mind. It support front line staff with the current guidelines and procedures. The course covers:
- Mental Capacity Act 2005
- MCA: Code of Practice 2015
- DoLS: Code of Practice 2008
- Care Planning (Decision-specific capacity assessments)